Privacy & Security

Privacy & Security

Li-dealz Limited respects the privacy of anyone who browses this website. No one is required to submit any personal information or use real name to browse this website.
Li-dealz’s Personal Privacy Policy is based on the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance (Chapter 486). The personal information collected from users of this website may be used by Li-dealz for the following purposes:

  • To ensure that Li-dealz can provide the service continually;
  • For market promotion and to contact with online visitors;
  • To design the required service for our online visitors;
  • For carrying out research, such as investigation in area for improvement which Li-dealz fails to meet the expectation of customers;
  • Custom made webpages according to individual visitor’s need for their personal usage;
  • To notify online visitors regarding update in this website;
  • To notify online visitors regarding related promotional programs, special offers or new production information;
  • To carry out statistical analysis regarding online visitors’ activities and characteristics in order to measure visitors’ interests and usage in different parts of this website and provide such analysis together with information on number of users seeing specified pages or clicking specified hyperlinks to its relevant advertising customers.


Personal information of online visitors of Li-dealz Limited website is kept confidential. But Li-dealz Limited can provide such information to third parties including but not limited to Li-dealz limited advertising customers, their affiliated companies or contractors/agents or other network operators providing services to online visitors of Li-dealz limited website.

Besides personal information, any questions, suggestions, recommendations or information sent or posted in this website by online visitors are considered voluntary submission to Li-dealz Limited in non-confidential and non-proprietary manner. Li-dealz limited reserves the right to use, copy, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and/or upload such information in other places and provide such information to any associated companies for the purpose of but not limited to its development, manufacture and promotion of its products and services in order to satisfy the needs of customers.

Personal Information Security

Li-dealz Limited tries all reasonable effort to ensure the personal information stored with Li-dealz limited under this website is kept secured and safe.
Li-dealz Limited uses “cookie” in this website in order to:

  • Enhance its security measures;
  • Allow online visitors to browse this website continually;
  • Custom made webpages according to individual visitor’s need for their individual usage
  • Establish information database of online visitors. If you do not want to use “cookie”, you can make adjustment in your browser settings.


This website may contain hyperlinks to other websites or webpages. Once you have clicked on these hyperlinks, such as links from pop-ups of any advertising customers, you have left this website. Any personal information or other data you provided to other parties after leaving this website is beyond control of Li-dealz Limited.


All information contained in this website is for reference only. Li-dealz do not warrant or represent that the information here is correct, complete or up-to-date, and disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the content of this website.